Prevention Insights NEW Self Paced Training Courses! | |
Available Now! |
Vaping: Overview of Data, Devices, and Regulations |
This self-guided course on vaping has been designed using information from many fields including health care, justice/legal, education, substance abuse, and prevention. Learners should gain understanding about trends, how products have evolved, as well as local and national strategies for prevention and intervention. Take the course here. | |
Available Now! |
Certified Prevention Specialist: How and Why? |
This course walks you through the process of obtaining your Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) Credential. Take the course here. | |
Available Now! |
Certified Prevention Specialist Exam Prep |
The IC&RC Certified Prevention Specialist Exam Preparation Module is a self-paced course designed to review key prevention concepts and help prepare individuals to take the Prevention Specialist exam offered by the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC). Take the course here. | |
New to the Training Portal?
The Indiana Prevention Resource Center, part of Prevention Insights, offers education and training coordination, facilitation and resources. Our training portal hosts webinars, online modules, in-person trainings and working sessions. Create your free account here. | | | |
Motivational Interviewing |
Sign up now for a variety of Motivational Interviewing Trainings. These trainings vary from introduction to advanced workshops, devoted to deepening MI learning and skills.
These trainings are posted through the Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) training portal, which offers education and training coordination, facilitation and resources. All modules are free! Create a free account here.
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SBIRT Skill Training: Register HERE | | | |
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Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program NEW Self Paced Training Courses! | |
Available Here! |
Show Me the Money! Risky Gambling and Low Risk Gambling Wellness |
This Risky Gambling and Low Risk Gambling Wellness course is a part of the Training Series for Disordered Gamblers. This course will focus on community wellness. The course content delves into defining problem gambling and gambling disorder, identifying characteristics of low to high risk gambling, how to have the conversation about risky gambling, and identifying resources for disordered gambling treatment. | |
Available Here! |
Isn't Self-Management Possible for Addictions and Mental Health, Too? |
This Self-management for Addictions and Mental Health course is a part of the Training Series for Disordered Gamblers. This course will focus on self-management strategies for persons struggling with addictions and mental health challenges. The course content delves into the parallels between self-management models for chronic health concerns, understanding the factors influencing addiction/mental health treatment, the advantages of self-management tools, and the community and online resources available for self-management and recovery of addictions/mental health distress. | |
Available Here ! |
The Link Between Addictions and Surviving Life's Challenges |
The Link Between Addictions and Surviving Life's Challenges course is a part of the Training Series for Disordered Gamblers. This course will focus on recovery and healthier coping strategies for persons struggling with addictions and mental health challenges. The course content delves into the finding of the link between gambling, substances, and mental health challenges, relating of cultural experiences, evaluating strategies to support a person learning recovery and healthier coping skills, and summarizing various models for recovery. | |
Available Here! |
Need a Cultural Competency Tune Up? |
This Need a Cultural Competency Tune Up? course is a part of the Training Series for Disordered Gamblers. This course will focus on cultural competency updates. The course content delves into evaluating three updates in cultural competency, explaining these updates and how they relate to disordered gambling treatment, and supporting new gambling and mental health wellness opportunities | | | | |
Upcoming Prevention Technology Transfer Center Trainings | |
July 11, 18, 25, August 1 • 10-11:30am US/Central |
The NIATx Virtual Change Leader Academy for Prevention Practitioners is the web-based version of the popular NIATx Change Leader Academy (CLA). The CLA has given thousands of behavioral health organizations the tools to make real changes that improve their systems and processes. This interactive, expert-led program includes four, weekly, 90-minute learning sessions.
SPECIAL FOCUS: The target audience of this CLA is the substance misuse prevention workforce of HHS Region 5. | |
July 19 • 12-1:30 pm US/Eastern |
An interactive course that will provide a foundational conversation placing the idea of prevention leadership in the context of cultural humility, inequity, and social justice. | |
July 26 • 10-11:30am US/Central |
This webinar will provide insight and tips on how your community coalitions can work with the higher education campuses in your community. These partnerships are essential for effective prevention and to support and enhance each other’s prevention efforts. In the webinar, we will discuss common challenges to working together, including working around academic calendars, understanding and partnering with administrative hierarchies, dealing with changing student populations, and responding to shifting priorities of the college/university leadership. Effective collaboration can bring the community together and ultimately help both partners to achieve their shared and individual outcomes, creating a stronger and healthier community.
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August 24th • 10am-1:00 pm US/Central |
During this 3-hour, interactive training, participants will learn effective group facilitation skills to use during their substance misuse prevention work. Participants will learn how to identify the stages of group development, along with practical communication skills. Time will be spent learning a preventionist’s role in group decision-making, as well as learning to apply interventions during activities in prevention settings.
Participants must be on camera with a working microphone in order to receive a certificate of participation for this training. This training will not be available as a recording. | | | | |
This resource, provided by SAMHSA, provides a starting point to address a loved one going through substance use and/or mental health disorders. |
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Indiana University
107 S. Indiana Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405