A new training has been posted to the Prevention Insights Training Portal titled: "Grant Writing: From Proposal to Submission."
This self-guided course on grant writing has been designed for learners to gain an understanding of the grant-writing process, tools to enhance grant proposals, as well as common strategies to utilize and mistakes to avoid.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Define activities associated with grant proposal development.
Identify tools and resources to enhance grant proposals.
Construct effective narratives.
Structure proposal elements using the narrative framing tool.
Develop an effective and engaging grant proposal.
Learners can earn 3 CEUs for taking the course.
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Trainings
Alcohol, Equity, and Social Justice: Breaking the Silence
February 27 | 2:30pm - 4:30pm US/Central
This webinar will draw from both historical perspectives and recent events, along with research findings, to unveil the alcohol industry’s role in creating and perpetuating social, economic, and health inequities. Additionally, it will examine evidence-based alcohol policies aimed at alleviating inequities and addressing social justice issues. The session is designed for community coalition coordinators and members who are prepared to engage in policy and social change, ultimately transforming the community's relationship with alcohol and those who profit from its production and sale.
Practical Skills in Prevention Series: Make the Magic Happen in a Meeting
February 28 | 9:00am - 12:00pm US/Eastern
Meetings, do we need them? How do we make them meaningful? In the field of prevention, we often have the responsibility of facilitating meetings. We use meetings to bring community partners together, to coordinate work, to create buy-in, and to facilitate community change, but most of us facilitate meetings without training on how to organize and run effective meetings. How do we get people to the table, and once there get (and keep) them engaged? How can we make the most of our time together and ensure everyone feels their time was honored and well-spent? In this workshop, participants will learn practical skills to plan and facilitate effective meetings.
Youth Gaming and Gambling, Is It a Problem?
March 5 | 1:00pm - 2:30pm US/Eastern
With the expansion of gaming and gambling activities in communities and on-line, how will it impact youth and young adults? This population is affected by gaming, gambling, and activities that include a mix of both in their daily lives. Discuss youth gaming, gambling, and the warning signs of problems with these activities. An overview of strategies to prevent youth problem gaming and gambling behaviors that have been adapted from alcohol and substance misuse prevention will be presented. Hear a story of recovery and learn of resources for help.
Click for a full list of trainings.
Mental Health Promotion & Suicide Prevention for LGBTQIA2S+ Youth
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center partnered with NORC at the University of Chicago to develop one resource guide and four population-focused Focus Guides for those who live and work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQIA2S+) youth. NORC, a research organization with expertise in suicide prevention, was selected to collect and report information in an objective, unbiased manner.
The process of developing this resource guide and its four companion Focus Guides included:
A comprehensive literature review
An environmental scan of current resources, programs, trainings, and policies related to LGBTQIA2S+ mental health and suicide prevention
Key interviews with suicide prevention and mental health experts, many of whom are part of LGBTQIA2S+ communities and have suicide-centered lived experience
Focus groups with LGBTQIA2S+ young adults ages 18 - 24 and
Focus groups with parents of LGBTQIA2S+ youth.
For both parents and young adults, separate focus groups were held for those who identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and those who identified as transgender, non-binary, gender-fluid, or genderqueer to respect their unique needs and experiences. Key information interviews and focus groups were conducted between October 2022 and January 2023, and the NORC team analyzed the data to identify key themes, recommendations, and strategies.
Contents of the Resource Guide
This resource guide is intended to serve as a novel resource for families, communities, and professionals who interact with LGBTQIA2S+ youth (ages 10-24). It considers current events and legislation that impact these youth, the long-standing and current impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and other realities that these youth face daily. It does not dwell on statistics, as those statistics are cited elsewhere. It highlights action-oriented strategies to support youth, positive elements of being LGBTQIA2S+, and sources of joy.
The guide provides detailed and actionable recommendations for families, communities, technical assistance providers, and professionals who work with and support LGBTQIA2S+ youth. We also highlight multiple resources in the Appendix, including four newly developed companion Focus Guides for specific audiences:
Parents, families, and communities
Teachers and school staff
Behavioral health care providers
State agencies
Access the Resource Guide
Indiana Youth Survey Spring 2024 |
The Indiana Youth Survey is a biennial survey of students in grades 6-12. The INYS assesses students’ substance use, mental health, gambling, and risk and protective factors that can impact student success.
All public and private schools are invited to participate free of charge, through funding provided by the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction. The INYS is conducted in the spring of even-numbered years. Participating schools receive a corporation-level report of their students’ responses. |
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INYS: Your Input is Welcomed! |
Do you work for or partner with a local school? If you can spare 2 minutes, please fill out this brief questionnaire (link), which will allow us to better understand schools’ needs and interests related to the Indiana Youth Survey. Thanks to those who participated in our INYS Virtual Information Session who have already responded! | | |
Upcoming Prevention Insights Trainings
No training scheduled!
April 4th: Mental Health Training
9:00am - 5:00pm EST | In-Person
Indiana Wesleyan University
Designed to prepare prevention providers, coalitions, and community-based partnerships to understand the shared risk factors that underlie mental health and youth substance use; learn about the relationship between disparities and mental health; learn ways to incorporate efforts to reduce disparities; enhance health equity in communities as a part of prevention planning; understand the importance of and explore ways to incorporate stigma reduction into mental health promotion efforts.
May 2nd: Human Trafficking
9:00am - 5:00pm EST | In-Person
Monroe County Convention Center
Prepare prevention providers, coalitions, and community-based partnerships to bring awareness to and educate community members on how to prevent and end human trafficking. Understand the shared risk factors that underlie mental health, substance use, and human trafficking. Learn about efforts to reduce health disparities and enhance health equity in communities as part of prevention planning to reduce numbers of individuals at risk.
Indiana University
107 S. Indiana Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405