Prevention Insights (formerly the Indiana Prevention Resource Center and officially rebranded in 2019) was established in 1987 to assist alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) prevention practitioners to improve the quality of their services. Since then, our purview has expanded to include mental health, problem gambling, HIV prevention, and ATOD treatment. Prevention Insights, located in Bloomington, Indiana, is part of the Department of Applied Health Science in the School of Public Health at Indiana University.

We enable prevention and treatment professionals from a wide array of organizations to deliver evidence-based programs, policies and practices to the general public. Our primary audience includes healthcare organizations, schools, and governmental agencies across the country.

Our mission is strengthening a behavioral health system that promotes prevention, treatment, and recovery.

Ruth Gassman, Executive Director

We work to bring together research and practice and thereby better ensure that individuals and communities receive state of the art prevention technology. Our vision is to promote and sustain healthy environments and behaviors across the lifespan.





