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Online Certificate Courses in Addictions Intervention
These baccalaureate level training courses are designed to provide non-clinical professionals with valuable knowledge in substance use, evidence-based prevention practices, and systems to facilitate referral to treatment. Once students complete the required courses, they will be able to register for formal credentials as a Board-Certified Substance Use Consultant.
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Institute for Research on Addictive Behavior
IRAB serves as the core analytic unit of the School of Public Health at IU Bloomington by conducting evaluation and investigative research. The institute is premised on the foundation that by working together across disciplines we can optimize the quality and relevance of research on addictive behavior and related problems.
Visit IRAB Website
Workforce Development
Prevention Insights offers education and training coordination, facilitation and resources. Our training portal hosts webinars, online modules, in-person trainings and working sessions. Most online resources are freely available to the public.
Visit Training Portal
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment to people with substance use disorders. Prevention Insights works with healthcare organizations to initiate and sustain SBIRT services and trains healthcare practicioners in SBIRT techniques and principles.
Learn More Visit SBIRT Website
Problem Gambling Awareness
Our problem gambling awareness program provides training, technical assistance, evaluation, and other resources to counselors, therapists, and prevention professionals as well as to those in recovery and to the general public.
Learn More Visit IPGAP Website
Tobacco Control and Surveillance of Sales to Minors
Prevention Insights is involved in three statewide initiatives in Indiana that focus on monitoring and enforcing laws regulating the sale of tobacco products to anyone under 18 years old.
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Mental Health Awareness Training
Prevention Insights provides Mental Health First Aid training to individuals and organizations in order to increase awareness of and capacity for dealing with mental and behavioral health concerns. The program also seeks to reduce stigma and improve access to appropriate resources.
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Citizen Opioid Responders (COR) - Dearborn County
This version of the training has been funded by the Dearborn County Health Department. It was designed for anyone working or residing in the Dearborn County community and contains information about local resources that are specific to the county.
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Naloxone Training - National Version
This version of the training is designed for a national audience and does not emphasize county- or state-level information. This program aims to motivate citizen responders to get trained in administering and carrying naloxone/Narcan to treat opioid overdoses.
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Citizen Opioid Responders (COR) – Indiana University (IU) Campuses & Beyond
This version of the training is designed for five IU campuses (Bloomington, Columbus, Ft. Wayne, Indianapolis, and Southeast), adjacent communities, and three counties (Clark, Floyd, and Monroe) and contains information about local resources that are specific to those campuses and counties.
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