Tobacco Control and Surveillance

Prevention Insights is involved in three statewide initiatives in Indiana that focus on monitoring and enforcing laws regulating the sale of tobacco products to anyone under 21 years old:

Program Summaries

Year Initiated 1992 1999 2011
Purpose - Monitor tobacco retailer violation rate (RVR)
- Ensure state’s involvement in enforcement
- Enforce state laws prohibiting sale of tobacco products to minors - Enforce federal laws regarding manufacturing, promotion and distribution of tobacco products
Main Activities - Conduct undercover inspections in a random sample of tobacco retailers; report results to SAMHSA - Conduct compliance inspections of all tobacco retailers to enforce state laws - Conduct compliance inspections of all tobacco retailers to enforce federal laws
Agencies Involved - SAMHSA (federal)
- DMHA (state)
- IU-Prevention Insights
- ATC Excise Police (state)
- (IU-PI to hire youth)
- FDA Center for Tobacco Products (federal)
- IU-Prevention Insights
Primary Contact - Cathy Blume
- Supt Matt Strittmatter
  ATC - Excise
- Aaron Jones
   IU-Prevention Insights
Source of Funding - SAMHSA (federal)
- Indiana Congress (state)
- Indiana Congress (state) thru FSSA-DMHA - FDA Center for Tobacco Products (federal)

The Need for Tobacco Control

Use of tobacco products by youth is a significant problem facing every state in the country. Public health officials were thrilled when smoking rates began to decline among this age group. However, the results of the National Youth Tobacco Survey[1] show that as smoking has begun to decrease among youth 12-17 years old, vaping has increased so significantly in the past five years that the routine consumption of nicotine by high school and middle school students is higher than ever.

Percentage of middle and high school students who currently use (within past 30 days) e-cigarettes and any tobacco product — National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2011–2018

1. Cullen KA, Ambrose BK, Gentzke AS, Apelberg BJ, Jamal A, King BA. Notes from the Field: Use of Electronic Cigarettes and Any Tobacco Product Among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2011–2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:1276–1277. DOI: